
What Solar Rooftops System Experts Do Not Want You to Know!

So, you have just decided to go green with Solar energy for your share of environment care. And solar rooftops system was your obvious choice, be it a residential or a commercial building. You are all decked up to call an expert on the solar rooftop system.

But pause for a few minutes and bear with me to understand that even if it’s your known dealer, a few things will always be kept undisclosed because of many Terms and Conditions that companies apply. Before diving, let us first understand the scenarios and the models available in the market.

The first model is an ON-grid system in which the rooftop solar systems is connected to the grid. An inverter is present to convert DC power (generated by Solar panels) to AC power to power the loads (AC/fridge/fan etc).

The first model is an: On-grid system. It has 5 scenarios.

1. Solar Generated = Required Load

(Solar power runs the loads completely. Although the Grid is available and the power from solar is sufficient).

2. Solar Generated > Required Load

(Solar power will support the existing loads first, and then export the excess power to the grid)

3. Solar Generated < Required Load

(Herein, load completely consumes the solar power. The rest of the power required by the load is compensated by the Grid)

4. Solar Generated = O

(At night-time, no generation of solar power. Herein, the load imports the power from the grid.)

5. No Grid is available.

(During a power cut, the solar inverter shuts down to keep the people fixing the grid safe).

The second model is an Off-Grid. This model replaces the grid in its entirety. Rather a battery is used which acts as a bank to store the excess power generated during the daytime. During less generation or no generation of solar power, in place of the grid, the battery sends its power to the loads.

The third model is a Hybrid system wherein, both On-grid and Off-grid systems work in tandem. This model is advantageous in two ways: one, you do not need the grid. And two, when the battery becomes full, the excess power is sent to the grid.

Now the real deals are:

1. The Tale of Two Metering 

In 1st and 3rd variants where the use of a grid is present, the possibility to generate revenue from the excess power is the exact area to focus on. Usually, the customers or the users give in to the temptation of getting paid by the power companies, once the users start generating excess power. Well, it just happens that nothing can be further from the truth. Let us see how.

There are Gross Metering Systems and Net Metering systems. The GMS system provides a pre-determined “Feed-in-tariff‘ for the power generated through solar. The generated solar power is completely exported in the grid. From the grid, the household loads are operated.

Unless you get a competitive ‘Fee-in-tariff’, better to opt for the Net Metering. Net metering, on the other hand, is what you use. Meaning that the solar power generated is first supplied to a home or business electricity needs. The power left after load consumption is exported to the grid and electricity retailers then pay you.

2. Reducing Efficacy

In general, all the companies try to convince customers and users that solar panels do not need much maintenance. This is true marginally. Weather conditions reduce the efficacy of panels each year by 1 percent. By the end of the 15-20 years, a significant reduction occurs in the panel’s efficiency.

Maintaining the panels in harsh weather is good for health maintenance. Talking to the dealers and experts to manage the efficiency of equipment over a period of time can be a good decision.

3. The Dilemma of Leasing

Lastly, due to the high rewards of exporting power to DISCOMs, the system of leasing roofs are catching up. But be aware that it has its consequences too.

Roof lease can hurt the valuation of your property. Installing a solar system in either residential or commercial places is a long-term (usually 20-30 years) investment and responsibility. It is crucial to consider your living tenure. If not, buyers of such properties usually shy away and you can lose your real value of the property.

People are usually duped into solar leases, by costly installations to several lease terms. Leasing is a cheaper option with little or no money to buy, but when you lease, the company in the contract which owns the system might take away the system once your lease term ends.

Make sure, you weigh the terms and cost between the total lifecycle cost of the lease and the benefits you would reap from ownership.

Related Read: How to Choose the Best Solar PV Installer


7 Things That Reduce Your Solar Power Output

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Opting for sustainable resources is indeed a great choice. And we appreciate those who have adopted these resources or are thinking to adopt one.

While these resources have no such limitations whatsoever, the only time when you might face a mild issue is- during its solar power output.

Since you are doing a great job already, let us help you understand the seven factors that reduce your solar power output.

1. The sun’s angle:

Your solar system cannot perform well without the power of the sun. One of the prerequisites is to have sunshine; if not in abundance then at least considerably good. In situations when the sun is low in the sky, your system will automatically produce less power.

2. Solar panel’s orientation:

Believe it or not, but the orientation of solar panels has a great impact on the sides they face. Roof orientation facing east or west will always generate less power compared to the ones that face north and south.

The logic is simple- if there is less sunlight reaching the panels then drop in power output will get affected.

3. Clouds & haze:

It is not like the solar panels do not work on cloudy days. They work like they normally do; however, they do not perform well as they would do on a bright sunny day. It is estimated that solar panels generate about 10 – 25% of their normal power output on a cloudy day.

4. High temperature & heat:

It may come as a shock to you when you discover that ‘the stronger the sun is, the less energy the solar panels produce.’ Well, it is said that at a certain point, the excessive temperature can cause a reduction in the energy output from the installed solar panels.

The solar panels are tested at 25°C under the Standard Test Condition therefore when the temperature goes high, the output gets affected directly.

The amount of energy produced by a solar panel is calculated by multiplying the current and the voltage.

5. Wind & humidity:

The sunshine heats the panels, but a breeze helps the panel to cool down, thus impacting its efficiency. In the case of humidity, there are high chances of tiny water droplets/water vapor to get collected on solar panels.

These droplets reflect/refract sunlight away from the solar cells, ultimately reducing the amount of sunlight hitting them.

6. Shading, dirt & bird dropping:

Most of the solar photovoltaic panels consist of several cells that are wired together into a series. When a small part of the panel comes under the shade, the performance of the solar panel significantly reduces.

A similar obstruction occurs when dirt, bird droppings, or leaves partially forms shading over the panel.

7. Microfracture in panels or fault in inverters:

Contradicting the natural factors; the system problems can also affect the overall efficiency of the system. Microfractures aka microcracks are small cracks that appear in solar cells.

On the other hand, the problem related to the inverter can arise when the inverters are installed incorrectly or due to their incorrect programming. This happens rarely though!

Moreover, the inverters come with a warranty of 5 to 10-year so, if there is a problem related to the inverter, then you can get them fixed under free warranty service.

Related Read:   5 Maintenance Tips for Your Solar Panels


10 Reasons why ‘Businesses should opt for commercial solar panel installation’

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When you are running a business, you’re constantly looking out for solutions, even for the slightest issues. When considering ways to save money to operate your business more efficiently, you are likely to think about the factors like- stock regulation & control, business-to-debt ratios and increasing turnover. However, saving substantial amount of money will always remain as the foremost concern and priority of all businessmen. With Solar PV system, you may end up saving a lot and also get to experience all the benefits of using solar energy for commercial use.

Financial Stability:

Utility bills are sky rocketing every year. This can wreak havoc on the budget set by you for the business expenditure. The sun is a free source of light and energy. And with solar photovoltaic panels, we are able to tap this energy to the fullest and will no longer be at the mercy of the energy industry who hand us over huge electric bills under the pretext of earning profit.

Reduces operating costs:

Business owners can reduce their operating expenses and green their infrastructure with commercial solar panel. A well designed commercial solar panel system installation can reduce your power bill up to 75%. The money you save here can be utilized for the expansion of your business. New advancements in this field now come with monitoring software, which allows you to track the exact amount of energy you are generating through your rooftop solar system.


Solar power is a renewable energy source for a reason. Supply is never a problem as long as there is sun. Unlike other energy sources like fossil fuels, solar power is cheaper to process and requires much less effort to produce. Besides, with the recent agreement of countries to put emphasis on reducing carbon emissions, solar power is getting a huge amount of support and companies are getting more funding and incentives from banks and local governments.

Better Technology:

Most solar panel manufacturers have higher efficient panels; the general thumb rule is that the more efficient the panel is, the higher will be its cost. However, as the standard started rising, the technology kept getting better. Manufacturers have already started producing panels over 400w which means if you think you did not have enough roof space for solar previously, you might want to rethink now!

Related Read: 5 Financial Benefits of Solar Energy


Long-term Benefits Of Residential Solar Panel Installation

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People are well aware of the role that solar energy is now playing in their lives. Be it on the foreground of saving electricity or saving money, the benefits have driven many people to switch to residential solar panels. Whatever might the reason be, harvesting solar energy for your home will bring several advantages that you simply cannot refuse!

If you haven’t made the wise decision to ‘go solar’; here are the top 10 reasons that will motivate you to make the switch from traditional electricity to solar power.

Cost efficient:

Being able to tap free energy from the sun- means paying less or no utility bill. As solar energy can be generated mostly in the middle of the day, it is generally offsetting the maximum peak electricity rates. This is the main driving factor behind its nature of maximizing your savings. The government has policies and provides incentives to homeowners opting to use renewable energy. You’re also likely to receive a bill credit for excess energy generated.

Secure investment:

Solar panels use energy from the sun to generate free, renewable energy for residential solar system owners. Solar panels use energy from the sun to generate free, renewable energy for residential solar system owners. Hence investing in a solar PV system, you’re able to harness the most abundantly found energy- sun’s energy, which is completely free for everyone. The sun is the most generous source of energy on Earth. Each hour, it radiates enough energy to fulfill Earth’s power needs for an entire year.  Solar panels can still produce electricity on days when it’s cloudy, and can still be profitable investments for many people in states, which are not known for their bright sunshine in India.

Increases your home value:

Just like home renovation, solar panels are kind of upgrades. So, purchasing a solar energy system will likely increase your home’s value. Appraisers are increasingly considering solar installations while valuing homes at the time of a sale. Nowadays, even the homebuyers are becoming more educated about solar, and demand for properties equipped with solar panel systems.

Reduces carbon footprint:

Solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment compared to any other energy source. Furthermore it does not produce greenhouse gases and does not pollute the water. It also requires very little water for its maintenance, unlike nuclear power plants. This contributes to reducing the carbon footprint.

Related Read: What is Solar Panel and How Does it Work?

Low maintenance cost:

A residential solar panel installation requires little to no maintenance. Subsequently over the course of its 25-30 of years the average life, there are few costs associated with the system throughout its lifetime. Examples of these costs could be monitoring issues, wire maintenance, cleaning of the panels, etc. Residential Solar Panel Installation

Multiple application of solar power:

Above all solar power have plethora of applications. One of the most commonly solar-driven devices are, the solar water heater used in residential homes for heating the water. When it comes to generating electricity; the batteries in the solar system store energy captured in daytime and supply power throughout the day. The use of solar appliances is one of the best ways to cut expenditure on energy.


Going solar by opting for residential solar panels are a great way to invest in yourself as well as your family. Solar energy is a non-perishable one, the long term benefits serve the best of it- from one generation to another.

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