Solar Energy is one of the biggest booms worldwide known as ‘clean energy’ and is available in abundant quantity. Our sun is a natural nuclear reactor that releases a packet of energy called photons that travel to millions of miles away from the sun to the earth in about 8.5 minutes. Every hour, enough photons reach and impact our planet to generate solar energy for our household and commercial purpose.
Solar Panels are the devices that absorb the sun’s rays and convert them into electricity or even heat for that matter. It is a collection of solar or photovoltaic cells, which can be used to generate electricity through a photovoltaic effect. The cells are arranged in a grid-like pattern where they store and convert the energy. We can all have ample benefits by tapping into this resource, but the real question arises – How do rooftop solar panels work?
Sun releases atom in the atmosphere where the solar rooftop attracts these atoms and separate electrons and atoms. Photons are particles of light. The process of separating the photons from their atoms produces solar electricity.
Let’s have a look at how solar panels work:
Step 1:
Solar Panel collects sunlight where the photovoltaic (PV) cells are installed. PV cells take photons and convert them into electricity. It produces the Direct Current (DC) electricity, but DC power can’t power your home on its own. That’s where the Solar Inverter comes into the picture.
Step 2:
Solar Inverter helps in converting the type of current. The most important thing to know about the solar inverter is it converts the Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC). This can be useful for the power to be used at your home.
Step 3:
Solar Electricity then passes through Net Meter, which makes it more suitable for the application of your home. In some cases, where the solar panel is not producing enough electricity for the usage of your home, there Net Meter helps you to get electricity from the traditional electricity grid in your area. It also keeps track of the solar electricity units produced as well as consumed by your house and sent back to the electricity grid.
Step 4:
If your solar energy produces more than it consumes, the net meter sends the excess energy back to the electricity grid. You get a concession for providing the electricity to the grid in your next month’s electricity bill as per the agreement between you, your solar provider, and energy company in your area. Solar Panel generates electricity when the sun is up and shining, but we use electricity most during the night time when we are not producing solar power. That is why you should stay connected with your electricity grid.
That’s how the Solar Panel works. Interested in going Solar? Galaxy Solar offers you some really good deal and professional service for your residential, commercial, and industrial solar installation.
Contact us today to get a free solar panel installation quote.